APRE – Agency for the Promotion of European Research operates in close collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Education and Research with the objective of supporting and promoting Italian participation in the European Union research and innovation (R&I) programmes, by providing information, education and assistance services. Thanks to its long-lasting direct cooperation with the European Commission and a rich network of national and international stakeholders, APRE:
- holds on-the-edge overview on R&I trends across all sectors at the EU and global scale,
- enhances knowledge flow towards and across R&I stakeholders, and
- ensures a 360 degrees and state-of-the-art insight on EU Research & Innovation strategic orientations, policies and funding priorities, and on their evolutions.
APRE’s competencies cover: Project Management, Dissemination and communication, Training and information, Stakeholder engagement, dialogue and co-creation, Policy analysis, International cooperation on research and innovation, Innovation management and exploitation, Research & Innovation transformative trends: openness, participation, sustainability, transdisciplinarity.
Role in the project:
- organise a series of co-creation workshops to collect inputs (needs, potentials, bottlenecks and capacities) from stakeholders in the 6 pilot regions, in order to feed analysis of WP3 and WP4,
- lead WP5 on Piloting bio-based economy strategy blueprints, and showcase the pilot regions through the organisation of local and EU-level webinars and workshops, and by developing various multimedia contents, videos and the best practices guide,
- be responsible for networking and clustering with relevant projects and initiatives at EU level view a view of seeking synergies with other actions working on the governance of bio-based innovation.