Author: Moa Jonsson

At the beginning of the summer, the BIOMODEL4REGIONS consortium had the opportunity to meet in Milan. The meeting consisted of a summary of the first year and discussions on how to proceed. Some examples of what we discussed follow here. 

In terms of engaging stakeholders effectively, combining project activities with other non-project related activities can be a success factor. The importance of supporting environmentally friendly behavior has been discussed during workshops and interviews. The assignment to create a picture of what the landscape for current policy work, regarding bioeconomy, looks like was supplemented. This with an example how regions in Sweden, on behalf of the government office, define their obstacles and prerequisites. Lastly, the optimal way to communicate the project’s results was discussed. 

The meeting concluded with a tour of laboratories where recyclable materials are tested. It was a rewarding day, especially in terms of meeting all the pleasant and competent partners in the project. We are looking forward to continuing to work together.  


IFIB, the International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy, will take place this year in the stunning venue of Florence from September 28 to September 29.

IFIB is organized by SPRING (Italian Circular Bioeconomy Cluster), that is part of the Biomodel4Regions consortium, Assobiotec-Federchimica and InnovHub. Biomodel4Regions will be present at IFIB and Everybody is warmly welcome to meet in person in Florence.

In order to participate to the two days working sessions is important to register here and don’t miss the chance to meet most of the central actors in the Bioeconomy world. The preliminary program is shared here.

In the latest issue of the EU Circular Cities & Regions Initiative (CCRI) newsletter, there is an interview with our project coordinator Patrizia Circelli. The CCRI aims to promote the circular economy in Europe and achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

The interview discusses the potential and goals of the CCRI (Circular Cities and Regions Initiative). Patrizia highlights its importance as a hub of knowledge, experiences, best practices and solutions.

The potential of the CCRI is to exchange knowledge, experiences, best practices and solutions with Horizon projects, cities, regions and territorial clusters, to accelerate the wide uptake of the circular economy across Europe to achieve the 2050 climate neutrality target set out in the European Green Deal, says Patrizia Circelli. 

Click here to read the full interview

What started as a very informal event, to have a conversation among project partners on stakeholder engagnt, became a successful online webinar, gathering 38 participants, with interesting presentations from 6 bioeconomy projects.

On 22 June 2023, BIOMODEL4REGIONS partners participated in a joint and had the chance to share our experience in stakeholder engagement with related bioeconomy projects. Stakeholder Engagement is about building connections and creating a diverse coalition of motivated actors, all engaged in accelerating the circular bioeconomy.

The best practices and examples presented by the 6 projects were very inspiring and were divided in “experience carriers projects” like @COOPID and @BIOCIRCULARCITIES and new projects started in 2022 like BIOMODEL4REGIONS, CEE2ACT, ROBIN and ShapingBio.

We are looking forward to collaborating with CEE2ACT during the next months!

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