The Project

BIOMODEL4REGIONS aims to support the establishment of the innovative governance models at local/regional level to achieve better informed decision-making processes, social engagement and innovation to support and strengthen EU and international science-policy interfaces to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
The methodology is based on the set-up of a governance structure among bioeconomy clusters that will leverage on previous successful projects, initiatives, and best practices to capitalise on work performed through several years of research and studies in the field of bioeconomy. These results will be demonstrated within the project to support 6 pilot regions chosen in clusters’ network.


The goal to achieve the climate objectives outlined in the European Green Deal can only be reached thanks to the involvement of regional and local authorities, primary producers, SMEs, civil society organisations including NGOs, knowledge providers and consumers. It will require the development of new governance models featuring a public administration that moves beyond traditional working methods to a more cross-cutting, integrated and stakeholder-driven way of working, as well as the shift to a more sustainable consumption.
In light of this context the BIOMODEL4REGIONS will aim to reach the following main objectives:
- Define options of a supporting governance structure and related capacities for regional authorities
- Support to local economic and implementing authorities, including at bio-based economy clusters’ level, to improve engagement of regional and local actors.
- Analysis of the regional bio-based economy-related policy mix to understand the potentials, bottlenecks, and opportunities, capacities for feedstocks, infrastructure, investment, human skills, innovation actors.
- Analysis, development and updating business models to enable consumers, SMEs, producers, regional and local authorities to switch to socially and environmentally responsible behaviour.
- Development of the best practice guidelines for local operators and innovation developers, supporting climate neutrality and low environmental footprint improvements of bio-based products and services.
- Integration of the opportunities created by the local bio-based economy within broader bio-based economy transition.
- To ensure efficient exchange of best practice and engagement of all actors via robust and transparent communication and awareness-rising campaigns.
- To replicate the project results throughout Europe, by contributing to the Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI).

BIOMODELS4REGION will contribute to Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI) by:
- the creation of a supporting governance structure and related capacities for regional authorities in the six pilot regions
- supporting the development of bio-based economy strategies in six pilot regions
- recruiting a group of 3 additional European regions to replicate the project actions with the aim of developing their own bio-based economy strategy, by preparing a replication guide, and by preparing materials with degree of abstraction, to applied Europe-wide, to foster the replication throughout Europe.
A main aim of BIOMODEL4REGIONS is to develop innovative governance models, that will support the development of bio-based economy strategies. Bio-based economy is by definition sustainable and resilient, in fact, by using biomass derived from fully renewable materials, it doesn’t deploy natural resources. BIOMODEL4REGIONS, by supporting the development of new bio-based economy strategies blueprints, will achieve:
1. better informed decision-making processes:
by analysing the governance system and related policies in the pilot regions under study to identify gaps and assess their bio-based economy potential and by involving stakeholders to co-create innovative bio-based economy strategies blueprints able to overcome identified gaps;
2. societal engagement:
through well-designed initiatives and the partners network it will be possible to include all actors along the value chains, including civil society and consumers;
3. innovation:
uptake of best practices value chains which was not possible before due to gap in the governance system, and thanks to the development guideline for local operators and innovation developers with the aim to transfer the best practices realised within the project.
Traditional linear ways of transfer knowledge – expert to worker – is becoming increasingly outdated in the 21st century. Instead, knowledge is becoming co-created – experts together with workers – which open up for new ways of communicating and tackling the complexity of the challenges we face. And in line with this and the possibilities with new forms of media and information technology BIOMODEL4REGIONS will engage stakeholders through:
- i) multiactor knowledge networks for farmers:
The project website will provide a knowledge centre to share relevant information. All existing and open access materials, such as the generic model for regional bio-based economy governance, regional bio-based economy strategies blueprints for pilot regions, best practice guidelines for local operators and innovation developers and novel or improved business models, will be uploaded in or made available through the BIOMODEL4REGIONS website; - ii) co–creation and multi actors stakeholder approach:
It is worth mentioning that knowledge developed within the project will be developed by using a co-creation methodology, involving several stakeholders, e.g. regional and local authorities, primary producers, SMEs, civil society organisations including NGOs, knowledge providers and consumers, as described several times in the project; - iii) best practice workshops:
Direct face-to-face interaction with primary producers combined with seeing practical examples of good practice/successful alternatives will encourage other primary producers to expand their knowledge and test new methods; - iv) use of social media
Such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and other depending on context and demands.